Hair Routine

For this blog post I thought I would go through my everyday hair routine with you. Firstly I start by using the Phillip Kingsley Elasticizer. Which is an intensive super conditioning pre-shampooing treatment for all hair types. That adds elasticity, manageability, bounce and shine to your hair. I do this by wetting my hair with warm water. Then I section off pieces of my hair and applying the Elasticizer and working it through my hair making sure all over hair is covered in the product. Then I put my hair turban on and leave the product in my hair for 20-30 mins to get the maximum effect. I find this works really well on my hair as its quite rebellious and tends to go a little limp and dull after the second day of washing. This give my hair a lot of structure and shine and also makes it a lot more manageable. 

I then go ahead and rinse all the Elasticizer out of my hair with warm water making sure all the product is thoroughly rinsed out of my hair. I then use the Phillip Kingsley moisture balancing shampoo. Which is for medium textured or wavy hair and restores moisture, shine and radiance to your hair. I go ahead and apply this all over my hair thoroughly working it in and all massaging into the scalp. I then will repeat this step for maximum effect.                   
 After I have thoroughly rinsed all the shampoo out of my hair I go in and use my Phillip Kingsley Moisture balancing conditioner. Which is for medium textured, wavy or chemically processed fine textured hair. I take a small amount of this into the tips of my fingers and work it through the lengths and ends of my hair really working it into all of my hair making sure not to miss any areas. I will then thoroughly rinse all product out of my making sure there is no remaining residue.

After rinsing my hair I will half dry my hair with a towel making sure not to rub the hair but to gently pat and squeeze the hair dry. As rubbing will create split ends and break the hair. When my hair is half dry I will then pop my hair turban on and let it dry a little more naturally. I then have a choice of many different oils and protection sprays depending on if I'm going anywhere. For everyday hair I usually spray a little of the wen replenishment spray into my hair before putting my hair turban on so it thoroughly absorbs into my hair. Then I will work a tiny pea sized arount of oil into my hair. I use the Liz Earle botanical shine nourishing hair old for all hair types. I really like this one as I feel it works well with my hair. I will then pop some heat protection through my hair. I have a few put mostly tend to use the Toni and Guy protection mist or the Umberto Giannini protein heat protection mist. Then I will completely dry my hair off using my hair dryer. 

 Then for styling and finishing of my hair. Firstly I use the EVO Shape vixen. Which is a body and shape juice for your hair. I apply a small amount of this to my wet hair and then blow dry my hair and my hair becomes so much more workable and manageable. I absolutely love this it works so well with my hair it keeps my hair in place and gives such lasting volume, shape and structure. Another alternative I sometimes use is the Toni and Guy casual sea salt texturing spray. I apply this all over my wet hair and while I'm blow drying my hair slighty scrunch my hair and this gives my hair more curly wavy effect. Which I like in the summer months and also gives your hair a lot of hold and texture. My final styling product is the EVO Cassius cushy clay.  Which is a malleable strong holding clay. That enables you to achieve shape and body with your hair. I also absolutley love this I simply take a pea sized amount on to my finger tip. I then work it into the palm of my hand this makes it more maluable and workable. I then run this through my hair and style my hair they way I want! and that finishes of my hair routine sounds like a lot my your typing it all out! it honesltly doesn't take that long!

 I hope you all like this blog post! All feedback is welcome and feel free to give me some ideas for new blog posts! Thank you for reading!

Tom x


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