Clinique Moisturiser Review

As a skincare fanatic I have always loved Clinique as a brand and their products. I would always tend to use their products when I was younger as I had very sensitive skin and still do till this day and I could always count on Clinique not to irritate my skin! My skin recently broke out really bad (I blame Alcohol) I was struggling to find anything I could use on my screen without making it worse! I decided to make an impromptu clinique order of a few products to try out and see if they would be suitable for my skin at the difficult time! So I thought I write about them and tell you how I got along!


The first thing I ordered was the Clinique Pep-Start HydroRush Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 20. I decided to order this moisturiser because it had been looking for a moisturiser with a good SPF for a while I had previously been using one from the body shop which I was getting a bit bored of it so I thought why not! I was very excited when it came it was in a very funky pot all the Pep-Start range seem to be in funky colours and packaging. When I opened it up I was a little surprised its a very creamy and thick consistency which I don't normally like as I don't like to put anything to heavy on my skin as it tends to clog up my pores and my skin more oily than it already is but I thought id give it a good chance before ruling it out. I found that I had to rub it in a lot before it absorbed into my skin and it did sit onto of my skin a little for a while but it wasn't anything to intrusive. This is one of the two moisturisers I ordered and id say I probably prefer the other one but ill go into the reasons more later! This is the type of moisturiser id probably use once or twice as week or when my skin is feeling especially dry or even putting it on before bed and leaving it on overnight but I feel for everyday use this would be way to heavy for my skin and I fell it would really clog up my pores.

The second moisturiser I ordered was the Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief. I had heard many good things about this moisturiser so I thought id give into the hype and give it a go and I glad I did. I'm pretty much in love with this product it came in a very sophisticated pot and this moisturiser is more of a gel like consistency which is a lot better and lighter for my skin. It applies to the skin so easily and practically absorbs into the skin instantly. This works so well with my skin as it can give me the amount of moisture without clogging my pores and sitting on the surface of my skin. Another great thing about this product is that its oil free which is great as its not adding any oil to my face which is already oily. After using this for a week or two I'm happy to say that this has now become my everyday moisturiser. Im so happy with the results of this review and would highly reccoment both these moisturisers but to people with differant types of skin!

I hope youve found this review interesting and let me know if youd like me to review any other products!

Over and out... Tom x


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